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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Concerns about the EPS

Under the Alberta Police Act members of the public have the right to file a complaint about policy/services and/or conduct (note: all Alberta municipal police agencies abide by this same act).

The Edmonton Police Service takes concerns seriously.  Every effort is made to ensure that members of the Edmonton Police Service serve the community in a safe, professional and respectful manner.  Pursuant to the Alberta Police Act, the Chief of Police is responsible for investigating all conduct and policy matters.  The Chief’s authority is delegated to the Professional Standards Branch of the Edmonton Police Service. The Public Complaint Director, who is appointed by the Edmonton Police Commission, is responsible for providing an independent review of the citizen complaint process and auditing complaint files involving public complaints to ensure the Professional Standards Branch investigations are fair and thorough.

The Professional Standards Branch strives to appropriately resolve all complaints in a fair, transparent and timely manner. If you have concerns about policy, services provided by the Edmonton Police Service, or the conduct of a police officer, please contact us by:

  • online submission (see below),
  • phone at (780) 421-2676, or
  • submitting your concern in writing to the Chief of Police at 9620 103A Ave, Edmonton , AB, T5H 0H7.

All submissions are reviewed by the Professional Standards Branch.

Please note, the Professional Standards Branch does not:

  • Quash violation tickets
  • Interfere with the court process or reinvestigate any matters that led to charges and/or are before the courts
  • Provide monetary compensation.

To make a claim against the City of Edmonton for injury or property damage you may do so before the appropriate court and are encouraged to seek legal advice. For certain matters involving the City, you may be able to initiate the claim through the City of Edmonton Risk Management.  However, please note that most EPS matters (with limited exception, for example, for certain service vehicle collisions) cannot be resolved through the eClaims portal due to their complexity.  For those matters, please consider bringing your claim or complaint before the appropriate court, tribunal, or other suitable process. 

* Please note, threats, abusive language or discriminatory remarks will not be tolerated.

Online Submission

    You may be contacted by a PSB Investigator to discuss your complaint. The complaint process is regulated by the Alberta Police Act, and where appropriate, a dispute resolution process will be offered which may include speaking to a supervisor or mediation. If dispute resolution is not appropriate or is unsuccessful, the Chief will direct an investigation to determine if there is a reasonable prospect of establishing the facts necessary to obtain a conviction of misconduct under the Police Service Regulation.   For example, this may include complaints about conduct that may be considered a criminal offence, unauthorized use of force, wrongful arrest, negligent investigations, or an act of deceit.