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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Forensic Identification Services Section

Forensic Identification Service Section (FISS) is comprised of Crime Scenes Investigation Unit, Criminal History Unit, and Photographic Services Unit.

FISS provides services for technical and scientific identification of persons and substances; technical examination of crime scenes and other areas; recording of evidence; maintenance and dissemination of criminal records; and fulfilment of the Services’ photographic needs.

Crime Scenes Investigation Unit (CSIU)

The CSIU works hard to uncover even the smallest pieces of evidence from crime scenes and from objects collected at crime scenes. CSIU can assist at any crime scene, from a stolen bicycle to a homicide.

Members of CSIU offer 24 hour a day, seven days a week service. They provide forensic and technical examination of physical evidence in various ways:

  • Examining crime scenes
  • Identifying, collecting, analyzing, and preserving evidence
  • Preparing results of analysis and presenting exhibits in court as an expert witness.


As science continue to evolve, so does the training CSIU officers undergo.

Once a member is selected to become a crime scene investigator, they job shadow for six months. Then they take an eight-week training course at the Canadian Police College in Ontario.

Following the eight-week course, they start a year-long understudy program with a senior crime scene investigator. Throughout the year, they are mentored and exposed to a variety of scenes and assignments.

At the end of the year, they are tested on a number of competencies to ensure they meet the highest standards associated with forensic identification.

After this training is complete, the learning does not stop. In order to stay on the front end of science and forensics, CSIU members continually read, learn, and share new scientific information and findings as well as attend continuous formalized training courses.

Edmonton Police Service CSIU members are passionate about forensics and have pride in their knowledge and expertise.

There are many different disciplines in CSIU, all of which require highly specialized training:

  • Latent print examiner
  • Blood stain pattern analysis
  • Firearms identification
  • Footwear pattern analysis
  • Post blast investigation
  • Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear investigation
  • Clandestine lab investigation

Legacy of Heroes: Behold the Proof

Have you ever wondered how police collect fingerprints at crime scenes and use those fingerprints to catch criminals? The answers are waiting for you in Legacy of Heroes! Read Issue #4...