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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Edmonton Police Awards

Medal of Valour (Sworn)

 The Medal of Valour is the highest award that   may be bestowed upon a member of the   Service for outstanding acts of personal   heroism or the most conspicuous acts of   courage in circumstances of extreme peril and   personal hazard to life. This medal is available     regardless of whether the actions taking   occurred “on duty” or “off duty”.

Medal of Honour (Sworn)

  The Medal of Honour is to be conferred upon   members who during the intelligent and         appropriate execution of their duty suffered   grievous physical injury or permanent   disfigurement. This medal is available   regardless of whether the actions taking   occurred “on duty” or “off duty”.

Exemplary Tactics Award (Sworn)

Award presented to police officer(s) who appropriately and intelligently employed sound officer safety techniques as permitted by the Laws, Use of Force Training Aids and Training Techniques, and EPS Policy and Procedure at that time, while facing an adversary(s) under circumstances of imminent danger, and thereby minimized or eliminated serious injury or death. Multiple Exemplary Tactics Awards are recognized by a numbered pin.

Commendation (Sworn or Civilian)

Award presented to all EPS members. Commendation categories given to individuals or teams for bravery, lifesaving, exceptional police investigations, exceptional personal performance, outstanding work in the community, outstanding contribution to police work, problem solving, and innovation. Multiple Commendations of the same category are recognized by a numbered pin.

  • Bravery (Red)
  • Lifesaving (Green)
  • Exceptional police investigations (Yellow)
  • Exceptional personal performance (White)
  • Outstanding work in the community (Brown)
  • Outstanding contribution to police work (Maroon)
  • Innovation (Silver)
  • Problem-solving (Orange)

Chief’s Commendation (Sworn or Civilian)

A Chief’s Commendation is intended to recognize the collective achievements of an entire unit, squad or section as opposed to any one individual. The Chief’s Commendation is intended to recognize the worthy efforts of a work area when the nature of the work cannot be attributed to any one person or group of individuals. The award is presented at the Chief’s discretion.

Award of Merit (Sworn or Civilian)

The Award of Merit is available to all EPS employees who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service and a high level of competence and professionalism. A recipient’s conduct is above that normally expected or required and sufficient to distinguish the individual or team from those performing comparable duties. This includes exemplary behavior or conduct during the execution of their duties, outstanding administrative work, effective handling of a criminal investigation, commendable organization of a community event or initiative or innovative idea that was beneficial to the service. Members of the EPS will receive a personally addressed Letter and Certificate and Award of Merit Coin from the Divisional Commander, executive officer, or senior officer in charge of a Division or work area.

Patrol Officer / Patrol Sergeant of the year (Sworn)

The Edmonton Police Association (E.P.A.) created the Patrol Officer of Year Award in 2011, and the Patrol Sergeant of the Year in 2012 as a way for members to recognize their peers and for the EPA to give back to the frontline membership. There will be one Constable and one Sergeant selected from each division in a patrol capacity. Division identified finalist, one member will be selected as the winner of the Patrol Officer of the Year and one member will be selected as the winner of the Sergeant of the year.