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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

About the Program

As early as 1959, the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) was involved in delivering youth programming aimed at training and mentoring leaders in the community. Today, we offer the Edmonton Police Service Cadet Corps to youth in our city.

The goal of the Edmonton Police Service Cadet Corps is to instill a sense of community and citizenship in youth. The program aims to foster leadership, citizenship, pride, discipline, and challenge while acquainting youth with the foundation and connection to a careering in policing. 

Youth participating in Police Cadets will: 

  • Develop an understanding of the police
  • Develop an understanding of the role of a police officer in the community
  • Develop leadership and teamwork skills
  • Build a foundation for a future career in law enforcement
  • Discover new challenges
  • Increase physical fitness

The police Cadets program is open to young people between 16-18 years of age.

The Police Cadet Company meets each week, usually on Wednesdays from 1800 to 2100 from October - May. The program schedule normally follows the school year and allows for winter breaks, exam break and spring break.

Applicants must: 

  • be mature students who attend school during their participation in the program or have completed high school (16 - 18 years old)
  • not possess a criminal record. (Each applicant is thoroughly screened prior to acceptance) 
  • be interested in law enforcement or related fields
  • maintain a high level of integrity and demonstrate a good ethical character
  • be willing to volunteer time to the Edmonton Police Service in order to gain knowledge and understanding of the law and respect for police personnel
  • maintain an 85% attendance record within the program


This is Who We Are - Cadets

Want to learn more about Cadets? Watch our This is Who We Are - Cadets for an inside look!