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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

2023 Fall Supplemental Budget Adjustment – Frequently Asked Questions

The Supplemental Operating Budget Adjustment (SOBA) and Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment (SCBA) are integral parts of the City Council multi-year approach for the 2023 – 2026 capital and operating budgets which was approved in December 2022.

2023 is the first year of the four-year budget cycle which requires a semi-annual review and recommendation of adjustments every spring and fall. City Council started 2023 Fall Supplemental Budget Adjustment deliberations on November 21, 2023.

The City of Edmonton process allows for City Council to adjust the capital and operating budgets twice a year, in the spring and fall, to accommodate changes required in response to changing project needs, new funding opportunities and challenges, emerging issues, and changing priorities.

In alignment with the Strategic Plan, the following areas of focus, inform the foundation for the development of the EPS operating and capital budgets:

  • Reduced crime and victimization.
  • Citizen-centred policing.
  • A model of efficiency and effectiveness.


*As a department of the City of Edmonton, the Edmonton Police Service follows the City’s budget process. For any additional information on the budget please visit edmonton.ca

What is the Operating Budget?

The operating budget is the cost to run a police service and will include costs such as personnel but also includes contracts/services, equipment, supplies, building costs, vehicle replacements, utilities, travel, and training. As part of the Operating Budget, City Council approved the Funding Formula, Policy Number C604B, in August of 2023. The Funding Formula is intended to provide funding to manage the financial impacts of population growth, inflation, and the operational impacts for projects that are funded by the Edmonton Police Service.  

What is the Funding Formula?
  • City Council approved the Edmonton Police Service Funding Formula, Policy Number C6048 in August of 2023. The Funding Formula will provide predictable funding for each year within the four-year budget cycle in order to provide planning certainty for the Edmonton Police Service and the City of Edmonton.
  • The Funding Formula is not intended to provide:
    • Funding for major capital, including new buildings and facilities.
    • Edmonton Police Service settlements, which will be managed corporately.
    • To address significant changes to legislation.
    • To address significant urban growth due to annexation.
    • For operating impacts of police-initiated capital projects that are City Council approved.
    • For operating impacts of significant City of Edmonton initiated capital projects that increase the demand for policing. 
How will the Funding Formula benefit the Operating Budget?
  • The new funding formula allows for certainty, planning time, and allows for more focus on community needs. It is about getting the right resources in place in a timely manner. 
What is the Capital Budget?

The capital budget is a funding requirement for new or sustainment for information technology (IT), building, and infrastructure assets. At the EPS it includes sustainment items such as radios, police equipment, and IT systems.

  • During the budget discussions in 2022, the Edmonton Police Commission made a capital renewal request of approximately $68 million as part of the 4-year budget cycle for 2023 – 2026, City Administration approved 25 per cent, approximately $17 million of renewal to be funded, thus leaving a funding gap of $51 million.
    • In the Fall Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment, City Administration is recommending the additional funding of $10.6 million to fund critical items only which include Police Radio Life Cycle (portable radios), Police IT Infrastructure Sustainment (telecom and security Hardware), Police IT Applications Sustainment (dispatch, operational records, and Intelligence systems), and Police Equipment (personal protective equipment used in day-to-day operations). 


Is the EPS requesting funding new items with their capital budget requests?

No, City Administration is recommending funding critical items only.

*As a department of the City of Edmonton, the Edmonton Police Service follows the City’s budget process. For any additional information on the budget please visit edmonton.ca