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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Money in the System

Audit finds $7.5 billion spent in Edmonton’s social safety ecosystem.

In a social impact audit conducted on behalf of the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) and Edmonton Police Commission (EPC), social technology innovation company HelpSeeker, has identified an estimated $7.5 billion in investments made annually into social support and community services in the City of Edmonton. 

Edmonton’s social safety net is defined as the range of benefits and supports provided by government, charities, non-profits and private sector entities that advance social wellbeing. The audit takes into consideration publicly available data on funding for these services from all levels of government, as well as charitable donations and fundraising proceeds.

HelpSeeker was engaged by EPS at the direction from Edmonton City Council to conduct an in-depth analysis of all monies spent annually on Edmonton’s social safety net ecosystem following public hearings on police reform in June 2020.

Defining the "Social Safety Net" 

Canada’s Social Safety Net, including Edmonton’s, is composed of a range of programs, benefits, and supports delivered by diverse actors including: local, provincial/territorial, and federal governments, public and non-public charities, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities.

It Includes: Supports delivered directly by service providers to end users (ie. shelters provide beds to those experiencing homelessness) & Benefits (income assistance, tax credits etc.).



Questions and Answers

Chief McFee and Dr. Alina Turner answer questions from the media regarding Money in the System. See videos below. 

What is the position of the EPS on the $7.5 billion in the social safety net?


What effect does this have on the defund the police conversation?


What can police and other organizations do now to work towards changing the system?