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Commitment to Professionalism - Reduced Crime & Victimization - Investigative Excellence - Increased Efficiency & Effectiveness
Copyright © 2024, Edmonton Police Service. All rights reserved.

Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Citizen Concern

I wish to have my submission classified as a Citizen Concern

Description: The information you submit will be documented and you may be contacted by the Professional Standards Branch.  The Citizen Concern process allows your concern to be addressed in a timely manner, which may include: coaching, mentoring, and/or officer development, or an explanation of police procedures.

  • Concerns about the officer's conduct (i.e. professionalism, communication, driving)
  • Concerns about the investigation (i.e. how it was conducted)
  • Concerns about the EPS (i.e. policy, procedure)

  • The citizen concern may be provided to the officer's Chain of Command for their attention and information.
  • A supervisor may contact you to discuss the concern and the follow-up will be documented by the Professional Standards Branch.
  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your Citizen Concern, you have the option of initiating a Police Act complaint.


If you have a concern about your interactions with the Edmonton Police Service, please contact the member's direct supervisor or the Professional Standards Branch.

Intake Line
(780) 421-2676

Chief of Police
Police Headquarters
9620-103A Ave.
Edmonton , AB T5H 0H7