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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Police Act Complaint

I wish to have my submission classified as a Police Act Complaint.

Description: The information you submit will be documented and you may be contacted by the Professional Standards Branch.  The complaint process is regulated by the Alberta Police Act.  All complaints go the Office of the Chief for review.  If a complaint is deemed frivolous/vexatious or made in bad faith, the Chief will request that the Police Commission dismiss the complaint.  Where appropriate, a dispute resolution process may be offered which may include speaking to a supervisor or mediation.

  • Conduct that may be considered a criminal offence
  • Unauthorized use of force
  • Wrongful arrest
  • Negligent investigation
  • Acts of deceit

  • A supervisor may contact you to discuss the concern.  The supervisor will detail the steps they have taken to address your concern, and this will be documented by the Professional Standards Branch.
  • Dispute resolution in which a professionally trained mediator assists the complainant and the officer to resolve the concern in a mutually satisfying manner.  The mediation takes place in a neutral environment and is confidential to encourage open and honest communication.
  • The Chief may decide to issue discipline for correction and education (i.e. official warning) or take any other action that is appropriate.
  • At any point the complaint process, a complainant may withdraw their complaint.

Please note, the Police Act states that a complaint must be filed within one (1) year of the incident date, or within one year from when the complainant first knew or ought to have known that the conduct complained of occurred. If your submission does not meet the criteria of the Police Act, as per the confirming questions below, it may be classified as a Citizen Concern pending clarification with a Professional Standards Branch investigator.  A Professional Standards Branch investigator will contact you to discuss further.

If you are an AGENT representing someone in a Police Act Complaint, a signed ‘Authorization of Agent for Police Act Complaint’ form is required. The completed form will serve as confirmation that the person(s) making the complaint has authorized an AGENT to act on their behalf.


If you have a concern about your interactions with the Edmonton Police Service, please contact the member's direct supervisor or the Professional Standards Branch.

Intake Line
(780) 421-2676

Chief of Police
Police Headquarters
9620-103A Ave.
Edmonton , AB T5H 0H7