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Edmonton Police Service

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Sexual Assault Online Reporting Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of common questions for sexual assault online reporting. Where possible, links to other areas of interest have been provided. If you have questions while entering your report, please call the online reporting help line at 780-391-6001. Please note that this number is only available from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

How do I know if I have been sexually assaulted?

Sexual assault is any sexual contact where consent is not given, consent is revoked, or you are unable to consent due to incapacitation.

Click here to see more information on what is sexual assault.

Click here to see more information on consent.

What are my options to report a sexual assault, other than online reporting?

If your incident is an emergency, call 911. If it is not an emergency, you may use one of the following options:

• Report this incident at the nearest Edmonton Police Station.

• Call the EPS non-emergency complaint line at (780) 423-4567 (#377 from your mobile).

• If you 16 or older: attend a hospital and ask to see a SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) nurse.

• If you are under 16: attend the Stollery Children’s Hospital and tell staff you have been sexually assaulted.

When can I report a sexual assault online?

You can report a sexual assault online if it meets the following criteria:

• It is not an emergency and you are not in danger.

• The incident did not occur within the last 7 days.

• You are reporting on behalf of yourself and you are 16 years or older.

• There is no evidence that may be lost if it is not collected immediately (e.g. clothing with possible DNA evidence, surveillance video, witnesses, weapons, social media messages).

• You have an email account this is secure and is not shared, so that you will not be in danger if you receive emails from the EPS.

What if the sexual assault happened outside of Edmonton? Can I file a report using this online reporting system?
If the incident you are reporting happened outside the city limits of Edmonton, should you choose to report this incident, you can report it to the police agency in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. For example, the Edmonton International Airport falls within the jurisdiction of the RCMP.
What will happen after I make an online sexual assault report?

Once you complete your online report the following will occur:

• You will see the words: "Your online police report has been submitted". This indicates that your report was successfully submitted.

• You will be given a temporary police report number.

• All cases filed using the Online Reporting System will be reviewed within 7 business days.

• Once processed, you will receive a permanent police report number that replaces the temporary one.

• If you are submitting this report to initiate a police investigation you will be contacted by an investigator within 10 business days.

• If you are submitting this report for information purposes only, we will not contact you.

What if the sexual assault happened a long time ago?
There is no statute of limitations on sexual assault; you can choose to report at any time.
What information do I need to include in the body of my report?
Just tell us what happened.
What can DNA evidence be used for?
DNA is a reliable form of evidence in many criminal cases. DNA evidence can be collected from blood, hair, skin cells, and other bodily substances. It can even be used to solve old crimes that occurred prior to the development of DNA testing technology.
If I change my mind after I have reported to police, do I have to continue with the investigation?
In the vast majority of cases, you will determine whether or not the investigation proceeds. In rare occurrences, when public safety is at risk (i.e. prolific sex offenders, serial murderers), the investigation must continue.
What if I previously reported a sexual assault and chose not to proceed with an investigation at that time, but I would like to proceed with a police investigation now?
Please call EPS at (780) 423-4567 (#377 from your mobile) and advise that you would like to re-open a sexual assault investigation. You will need to provide your name and file number (if you have one).