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Edmonton Police Service

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Theft of Auto

Most car security is inadequate. Thieves are able to break into and drive away with most models of vehicles in less than a minute. Research shows that particular kinds of thieves favour certain models because they have found ways to steal them easily. Many of these stolen vehicles will be used in other crimes and are often involved in police pursuits. These pursuits can become a safety risk to the public and the police officers involved.

Frequently stolen vehicles in Edmonton are Dodge Caravans, Plymouth Voyagers, Ford Escorts, Saturns, Hondas, Dodge RAMs and Ford Trucks.


Most vehicle crime is opportunistic and therefore preventable. By following some straightforward advice, and working together, we can ensure that this type of crime is reduced in your community.

Tips to prevent Vehicle Theft

Do not leave your vehicle running - Under no circumstances should you leave your vehicle unattended while running with the key in the ignition. NOTE: Remote car starters are not a problem; they are designed to shut off if attempts are made to steal the vehicle.

No Spare Keys - Do not leave a spare key hidden in the vehicle. Thieves look for spare keys, and once they break into your vehicle, they know all the hiding spots. You can get a spare key holder for your wallet or purse.

Lock Up Your Vehicle -  Always check that the doors, windows, and sun roof are shut and locked when you park your vehicle.  Leave your vehicle in a locked garage where possible. Lock your vehicle even when it is in the locked garage.

Be aware of where you park - park in parking lots that have more than one of the following:

  1. Security cameras;
  2. Security patrolling the parking lot;
  3. Someone working at an entrance/exit booth;
  4. A gated parking lot that needs a pass to get in and out;
  5. Well lit;
  6. A busy parking lot with lots of people coming and going or an area where there are lots of vehicles or pedestrians passing by.

Treat Your Keys Like Cash – Don’t leave keys in places where they are easy to snatch, such as a gym locker, on your desk at work, visible in an open purse or unattended in a shopping cart. Thieves will grab and go, then head out to the parking lot and push the button on your key fob until they find your car.

Use a Steering Wheel Locking Device (e.g. The Club) - A well-secured car will deter thieves. There are other devices available to consumers to stop thieves from easily stealing your vehicle. See your local automotive stores for details. 

Do not leave items in your vehicle - Thieves can be attracted to your car because personal items are left in plain sight. Never leave anything in your vehicle,including loose change, cell phones, CDs, cameras, clothing, sunglasses, cigarettes, lighters, and any other items. 

Install a Remote Car Starter - Remote starters are designed to shut off if anyone attempts to drive the vehicle without a key. This will allow you to warm up your car without risk of theft.