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Edmonton Police Service

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EPS requests investigation into appointments of two new police commissioners

Service sends letter to Minister Ellis citing significant concerns about two of City Council’s recent appointees

For Immediate Release: 16-Jan-2025 @ 2:15 PM
MRU #: 25R005

Edmonton Police Service (EPS) submitted an application to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services on Jan. 15, 2025, requesting ministerial intervention in Edmonton City Council’s recent appointments to the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC). 

The EPS application requests an investigation into two recent EPC appointments under section 30(1.2) of the Police Act. Under that section, EPS is permitted to refer disagreements about the appointment of commissioners to the Minister, who may then intervene upon determining that it is desirable to do so.

The application addresses two points. First, it seeks ministerial intervention in City Council’s process for EPC appointments, which must meet the obligations outlined in the Police Act. EPS is concerned about the erosion of the governance relationship between City Council and the EPC, which serves a vital role as the guardian of public trust providing civilian governance and oversight of the service.

Second, it seeks ministerial intervention in the particular appointments of Ms. Renee Vaugeois and Mr. Dan Jones. Due to the operation of privacy legislation, EPS can identify only the names of these public officials and not the nature of the concerns, which generally relate to public-facing activities undertaken by the two appointees in either private or professional capacities.

EPS has sent notifications of this application to all affected parties but will not publicly disclose further details until privacy concerns are addressed. The EPS maintains that the underlying concerns will hinder the ability of recent appointees to fully function in their roles as commissioners and will impede the EPC’s ability to oversee the service and ensure required standards continue to be met.

EPS respects the function of the Commission and remains committed to working collaboratively with the EPC in the interests of community safety, organizational accountability and public transparency. EPS seeks to ensure that all EPC appointees can and will perform the important and necessary functions of the role as commissioners diligently, faithfully, to the best of their ability and according to law. A failure to manage the issues raised by the City Council appointments threatens to overshadow and impact the EPC’s ability to conduct its business, much of which will focus on the significant task of naming of a new Chief of Police in the coming months.

In a press release issued on Friday, Dec. 20, 2024, Edmonton City Council announced the replacement of four of its members appointed to the police commission. Council named Carola Cunningham, Zahro Hassan, Daniel Jones and Renée Vaugeois to two-year terms on the EPC ending Dec. 31, 2026. Council did not renew positions for vice-chair Anne-Marie Lambert, David Sowemimo and Wally Sinclair. Kemi Kufuor-Boakye opted not to seek another term.

The EPC is made up of two City Councillors, seven members appointed by City Council and up to five members appointed by the Government of Alberta. The Alberta government is expected to announce its additional members in the coming weeks.


For media inquiries please contact the EPS Media Relations Unit at mediarelations@edmontonpolice.ca.