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Edmonton Police Service

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Targeted policing and partner initiatives drive Edmonton’s crime rate down by 11% in 2023

For Immediate Release: 31-Jul-2024 @ 11:35 AM
MRU #: 24R061

Edmonton continues to trend in the right direction in some key categories of Statistics Canada’s annual police-reported crime statistics for 2023, the result of various targeted, crime-fighting initiatives and partnerships.

Edmonton’s crime rate decreased by 11% in 2023 from 2022, while nationally, the overall police-reported crime rate increased 3% from the previous year. This marks one of the largest decreased crime rates among Canadian metropolitan cities in 2023. 

“We have developed and deployed successful, targeted initiatives that are now properly resourced with EPS members and our partners,” explained Ron Anderson, Chief Innovation and Technology Officer for EPS. “Initiatives such as the Edmonton Police Foundation’s “Community Accelerator” program, which applied focused strategies to combat crimes such as liquor store and catalytic converter theft, began to pay dividends in 2023. As well, Safer Public Spaces, targeting social disorder and victimization, had an impact in Edmonton’s downtown core and surrounding communities. The provincial government’s new Navigation Center and dedicated LRT deployments are already looking promising throughout the first two quarters of 2024.”

Last week’s release of the 2023 annual national crime statistics from the Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics (CCJCSS) shows a 2% increase in the crime severity index (CSI), a calculation based on volume and severity of police-reported crime in Canada. This marks the third consecutive year the CSI has increased in Canada. The national violent CSI remained unchanged (0.4% increase), but nationally there was a 4% increase in the rate of violent crime, driven by assault, robbery and extortion. 

Edmonton’s violent CSI increased by 4% in 2023, a trend which repeat offenders continue to play a significant role. The City of Edmonton’s overall CSI remained stable (0.6% increase) between 2022 and 2023. It has also decreased by 13% between 2018 and 2023. 

“Make no mistake, violent crime continues to be a major concern in our city,” Anderson says. 

“While we still need to keep our foot on the crime-fighting pedal, we’re beginning to see some tangible traction with some of our targeted initiatives. EPS will continue to rely on evidence and data to deploy resources effectively while working collaboratively with our partners.”


Total Crime Rate, Total Violent Crime Rate and Total Property Crime Rate

  • Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) had the 11th highest police-reported total crime rate (10th highest in 2022) of all 41 CMAs in 2023. The City of Edmonton’s total crime rate decreased by 11% between 2022 and 2023.

  • The Edmonton CMA violent crime rate was 18th highest among CMAs (19th in 2022). The City of Edmonton’s violent crime rate increased by 2% between 2022 and 2023 and is higher than the national average but below the provincial average.

  • The Edmonton CMA property crime rate was 11th highest among CMAs (9th in 2022). The City of Edmonton’s property crime rate decreased by 15% between 2022 and 2023

Table 1 – Edmonton’s total crime rate


Table 2 – Edmonton’s violent crime rate


Table 3 – Edmonton’s property crime rate

Total Crime Severity

  • The overall CSI in the City of Edmonton has stayed stable (0.6% increase) between 2022 and 2023 and decreased by 13% between 2018 and 2023.


  • Violations with the greatest decreases are theft of $5,000 or under from a motor vehicle, fail to comply with order, mischief, and breaking and entering.


Table 4 – Edmonton’s total crime severity

Violent Crime Severity

  • Edmonton CMA had the 11th highest police-reported total violent CSI (12th in 2022). Overall, the violent crime severity in the City of Edmonton increased by 4% between 2022 and 2023. The City of Edmonton violent crime severity increased by 5% from 2018 to 2023 while the Edmonton CMA violent CSI increased by 7% over the same period.


Table 5 – Edmonton’s violent crime severity

Non-violent Crime Severity

  • Edmonton CMA had the 11th highest police-reported total non-violent CSI in 2023 (11th highest in 2022). City of Edmonton’s non-violent CSI decreased by 1% between 2022 and 2023 (-18 % from 2018 to 2023) and the decrease was driven by theft of $5,000 or under from a motor vehicle, fail to comply with order, mischief, and breaking and entering.

Table 6 – Edmonton’s non-violent crime severity

Top 10 Criminal Incidents

  • EPS investigators were busy with more fraud-related crime in 2023, which increased by 7.7% over 2022.


  • Extortion was also trending higher last year, some of which is a result of Project Gaslight incidents.


  • Assault Level 1 and 2 incidents also continue to be of concern. 

Table 7 – Edmonton’s top 10 criminal incidents comparing 2022 to 2023


Total number of criminal incidents city-wide, comparing 2023 and 2024, Jan. 1 to June 30

  • The number of criminal incidents has decreased 14% comparing 2023 and 2024, Jan. 1 to June 30th.


  • EPS policing and strategic partnerships are having an impact through the first six months of 2024.

Table 8 – Total number of criminal incidents citywide
between 2023 and 2024, Jan. 1 to June 30th


For media inquiries please contact the EPS Media Relations Unit at mediarelations@edmontonpolice.ca.