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Edmonton Police Service

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EPS and MADD launch the 37th Red Ribbon Campaign


“It’s a symbol of the heartbreak.”

Memories of loved ones lost are still fresh as the EPS and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) launch the 37th Red Ribbon Campaign.

The holiday season is fast approaching which means law enforcement will be staging multiple checkstops throughout the Edmonton area. Unfortunately, impaired driving remains a major issue on Alberta roads.

“I think at the end of the day, what we're not seeing is a decrease in numbers. And I think that's the real concerning part,” said Superintendent Bart Lawczysnki.

Susan Semotiuk lost her grandson to an impaired driving accident. That was twenty-six years ago, and she’s frustrated that people are still getting behind the wheel while impaired.

Semotiuk hopes to see more vehicles with red ribbons.

“It's a symbol of the heartbreak that we've been through, and we still have to fight for it for what we believe in.”