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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Make Your Move

On December 15, 2014, EPS launched the “Make Your Move”, a public awareness campaign that urges the public to get involved and interrupt behaviours that may lead to sexual violence.

“Make Your Move” is aimed at bar patrons, both men and women, and the main messages are simple but head-turning: look out for each other, get your friends home safely and never feel like you owe anyone anything.

“We want to encourage patrons to drop the ‘it’s none of my business’ attitude and adopt a ‘that could be my family or friend’ approach, if they see someone who may need assistance. Intervention, when safe to do so, can prevent a potentially harmful situation,” says Staff Sgt. Grimes.

The “Make Your Move” campaign originated in Montana as an effort from Missoula’s Intervention in Action Project, a group of community organizations dedicated to ending sexual violence.

Make Your Move Posters

Check out the original #MakeYourMove campaign on their Facebook page.