I am a Clinical Psychologist and I have been providing services to the EPS since 1998. I have been a Psychologist since 1987 and I am the co-owner of Edmonton’s Centre For Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CFCBT). I see teens and adults.
My specialty is helping people overcome their fears. CFCBT is an exposure-based treatment center and we help people with obsessive compulsive disorder and other anxiety related conditions like social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and specific phobias (including emetophobia, flying phobia, heights, public speaking). I also help individuals with clinical depression and eating disorders. We offer our clients access to the group therapy programs I developed like “Fright Night” and “No More Fear” as well as “OCD Bootcamp”.
My clients also have the option of cutting-edge Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) to address phobic conditions and augment their real-life exposures.
Specialty Areas:
- Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (hair pulling, skin picking)
- Clinical Depression
- Eating Disorders/Weight Management
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder/Excessive Worry
- Stress Management
Treatment of all phobic avoidance disorders including:
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia
- Social Phobia/Shyness
- Specific Phobias (e.g. flying, public speaking)
- Emetophobia (fear of vomit)
Janet Caryk
College Plaza, University Psychiatry Associates Offices
Suite #1900, 8215–112 Street
Edmonton, AB
*Please identify yourself as EPS at the time of booking, to ensure you are scheduled in a timely manner.*