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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Vivian Steele

Vivian Steele is a Registered Psychologist practicing in St. Albert. She has a Master of Science, Marital and Family Therapy degree and is a Registered Psychologist under the College of Alberta Psychologists. She has a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Pain Management Rehabilitation Medicine. As an established private practitioner within the community of St. Albert she has successfully created a clinical practice based on her reputation for providing solid client care. Her work with clients has been focused on evidence-based treatment, which means that she is constantly looking for science to support her therapy. Vivian believes in clients’ abilities and ventures to bring out the best possible outcomes in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Vivian is an experienced Registered Psychologist providing Evidenced Based Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or a Recent Traumatic Event to Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces Members, RCMP, first responders, and individuals who have endured a vast array of traumatic events. She will work with the clients’ strengths, resources, and preferences to determine which is the best treatment option for their personal situation. The benefits of trauma therapy may include reducing symptoms, building resilience, and creating an opportunity for clients to enhance and improve their quality of life and relationships. Vivian has extensive experience providing therapy to Veterans and Canadian Forces members and their families, law enforcement members and their families and first responders. She also has extensive experience working with youth, parents, and families.

Vivian has been working with depression, anxiety, grief and loss, stage of life transitions, anger management, stress, personal growth, communication, conflict resolution, addiction support, relationship counselling for couples and families. She offers specialized treatment for chronic pain. 

If you would like to see if Vivian is the right person to meet with, or would like to discuss your situation for suitability, or schedule an appointment, you can call Steele & Porret Psychologists Inc. at 780-458-1616 or you can send an email to vivian@steeleporret.ca. You can also check out Vivian’s website at www.steeleporret.ca for further information. Vivian offers day, evening and some Saturday morning appointments.


Specialty areas:         

  • Individuals/Couples/Family
  • Adults/Youth
  • Addictions
  • Anger management
  • Chronic pain
  • Conflict resolution
  • Grief & Loss
  • Life cycle changes
  • Mood Disorders: Depression & Anxiety
  • Personal growth
  • Relationships
  • Stress management

Vivian Steele
Steele & Porret Psychologists Inc.
#210, 20 Perron Street
St. Albert, AB
T: 780.458.1616