Dr. Miller specializes in the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults and is an expert in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: the treatment gold standard for many psychological conditions. He is motivated to remain current in his psychological skill and has attended many national and international conferences to ensure he remains on the cutting edge of his profession.
Specialty Areas:
- Anxiety: generalized worry, panic attacks, agoraphobia, social, exam, or performance situations (including sexual dysfunction), specific phobias (including flying)
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Depression
- Work stress
- Insomnia
- Irritability/Anger Management
- Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (hair-pulling, skin-picking, body dysphoria)
- Children and Teenagers:
- Oppositional, defiant or non-compliant children
- Anger Management
- School avoidance/Separation anxiety/Extreme shyness
- Needle, storm, animal, insect, choking, vomiting, night-time phobias
- Attention Deficits
- Enuresis/Encopresis
- Parenting challenges
Dr. Wes Miller
Centre for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
#201, Serenity Business Center
10059 - 118 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5K 0B9