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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

D&D Success Story - October 18


Diversion and Desistance focuses on moving our city’s most prolific and persistent offenders away from a life of crime.

It takes many partners to come together for the betterment of an offender’s recovery, and when we do, we can change everything. For one of Diversion & Desistance’s very first clients, we did just that. 

When we first started working with this client nearly a year and a half ago, she had indicated the factors that kept bringing her back into the criminal lifestyle, but she wanted out and she wanted a fresh start. So earlier this month when one of our facilitators and detectives picked her up after she completed her 28-day addictions program, one of the social worker aids from this external program had assisted and found a place for the client to stay in a recovery home in another city, away from the ties she had that kept her down. With this new home, our detective and facilitator have been setting her up with off-ramping referrals in this new city to keep her on this new path forward. 

We would like to thank our external partners who are dedicated to changing the lives of those who need our helping hands the most.