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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Street Legal

Racing in the streets of Canada's urban centres is a real problem, one that at times claims innocent lives. As members of the Edmonton Police Service, we are concerned about this growing trend in our community. The Street Legal Program evolved as a result of that concern. This program allows our members to get into the community and talk to the racing community using police race-cars.

History of Street Legal

In the early 1950s, NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) founder Wally Parks began working with law-enforcement agencies around the country to entice illegal street racers onto dry lakes and abandoned runways where more organized competition could be staged.  Today, that basic initiative remains NHRA's primary mission.  Given the scope of today's street racing epidemic, NHRA is even more committed to providing safer racing alternatives through thousands of legal, sanctioned events that take place on hundreds of drag strips across North America each weekend through its Street Legal program.

In 1994, at the urging of Southern California law-enforcement agencies, NHRA began a high-profile and closely scrutinized program of events for street-legal cars and motorcycles in Southern California.

In 1996 on the initiative of Mike Wynnyk, Terry Innes and Eleanor Innes they formed a charity known as Blue Line Racing.  Blue Line Racing is responsible for the promotion of the Street Legal Program in Edmonton.  Since its inception, Blue Line racing has grown to five members with the addition of Blair Dezwart and Keane Block.  Blue Line Racing currently operates two race cars; a 1972 Plymouth Duster and a 2003 pre-production model Hyundai Tiburon.