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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Agent Status Program

As part of the Agent Status program, business owners give authority to Edmonton Police Service members to act as "agents" for the property. This then gives EPS members the authority to act on behalf of the owner. For example, the banning of persons from the property. Every business that signs up for this program receives an EPS Agent Status sticker that is posted near the front door. When members respond to that building and see that sticker, they then know the building is on board with the program.


An owner of a multi-unit residential complex (eg. apartment or condominium building) might grant agent status to EPS so that police can ban unwanted persons who are neither tenants nor invited guests of a tenant, and charge those persons under the Trespass to Premises Act  if they violate the ban.


Visit your nearest EPS Station to complete the registration and receive your sticker.


Download the Agent Status Form