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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Terrorism Awareness

Canada as a country has not often been targeted specifically for a terrorist attack. For this reason, people have come to associate terrorism with violence and tragic events that occur in other countries. However, terrorism is a real threat everywhere.

Law enforcement, intelligence, and security communities have been working together to identify and apprehend terrorists to prevent an attack from occurring in Canada.

The Edmonton Police Service is committed to the safety of citizens of Edmonton. We have protocols in place to effectively deal with terrorism threats.

These tips are not meant to invoke fear, but rather to create a greater understanding for everyone.

What is terrorism?

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

How to recognize the warning signs:

  • Stay Alert! Be aware of your surroundings
  • Know your neighbours
  • Know who makes regular deliveries at work
  • Know regular maintenance and cleaning people

How to identify suspicious activity:

  • Unusual requests for information, regarding security or habits
  • Unusual interest in high risk or symbolic targets, such as inappropriate videos or photograph-taking, annotating maps, note-taking, or using binoculars and night-vision goggles
  • Unusual activity, such as strong odour coming from buildings or vehicles, someone who is over-dressed for the weather, people in places where they don’t belong, or people avoiding eye contact
  • Fraudulent identification, such as fake passports or driver’s licenses
  • Numerous visitors, perhaps those who arrive and leave at unusual hours, trying to be unnoticed or acting in a suspicious manner
  • Avoiding community contact; they may only let you into their apartment with plenty of prior notice, change their locks often, keep certain rooms off limits, or never allow maid service or deliveries in a hotel room.
  • Large, unusual, high-risk deliveries; watch for vehicles delivering hazardous materials parked or driving in an inappropriate area, unusual deliveries of chemicals or fertilizer, unattended boxes in public access places, or unusual mail
  • Unusual purchases or thefts; pay attention to any purchases, rentals or thefts of uniforms, explosives, weapons, ammunition, propane bottles, toxic chemicals, or vehicles able to contain or haul hazardous materials

Who to report to:

  • If you think a life is in danger or a serious crime is about to be committed, call 9-1-1.
  • If it is not an emergency, but you think the person or situation should be investigated, call 780-423-4567—the Edmonton Police Service’s non-emergency number.

Remember, never put yourself in danger by confronting suspicious activity.

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