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Edmonton Police Service

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Buying sex? Rethink your choice

Did you know that paying for sex is illegal in ALL circumstances and can affect your ability to travel outside of Canada?

Under American law, buying sex is an “act of moral turpitude”.   Even if you have never been convicted in Canada, the record of your arrest will still show up when an American Customs agent searches your name.

No more family trips.  No more business trips. 

Imagine having to tell your family the real reason why you can’t go with them on vacation.

Or telling your boss the real reason why that big business trip won’t be happening.  At least not for you.

The Criminal Code of Canada states: "everyone who, in a place, obtains for consideration, or communicates with anyone for the purpose of obtaining for consideration, the sexual services of a person is guilty of an offence."

Before you buy sex, ask yourself:

  • What would my family think?
  • What would my children think?
  • What would my friends and co-workers think?

Buying sex can have other equally serious consequences:

  • You could be arrested and charged;
  • You could be robbed or worse by the sex trade worker or their pimp;
  • You could contract a sexually transmitted disease;
  • You could be exposed without your knowledge to dangerous illegal drugs;

Still want to buy sex? Now is the time to rethink your choice.