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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence is defined as any use of physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationship. It may include a single act of violence, or a number of acts forming a pattern of abuse through the use of assaultive and controlling behaviour. The pattern of abuse may include:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Psychological abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Stalking, and
  • Threats to harm children, other family members, pets, and property

An intimate relationship is defined as a relationship between opposite-sex or same-sex partners. These relationships vary in duration and legal formality, and include:

  • Current and former dating relationships,
  • Current and former common-law relationships,
  • Current and former married relationships, and
  • Persons who are the parents of one or more children, regardless of their marital status or whether they have lived together at any time.

Intimate partner violence cuts across every line of geography, income and social status. Abuse is found in every community in our country and thousands of incidents of intimate partner violence occur every year. Intimate partner violence is not always observable through physical injury. Changes in behaviour, demeanour, and social relationships can also be a signs of issues within an intimate relationship.

The sad news is that many incidents go unreported. Many of the households where intimate partner violence occurs also have a child/children present – which means there is usually more than one victim. Taking the enormous step to reach out is the first step towards change and the first step towards safety. No one deserves to be abused. Families no longer need to suffer for years in silence.

Intimate partner violence is a priority of the Edmonton Police Service, and to the community. The EPS Domestic Offender Crimes Section includes:

  • Detectives with specialized training in intimate partner violence
  • Constable and Social Worker team that work in Intimate partner violence courtrooms to assist victims of intimate partner violence
  • Constable and Social Worker teams to work with victims of intimate partner violence
  • Victim Support Constables in each EPS division that follow up on Intimate partner violence incidents


This collaborative partnership between the Edmonton Police Service and the City of Edmonton Community Services Department is committed to working together to help families find emotional and physical safety and to work with the community to end the cycle of violence that so often damages and destroys families.

This Domestic Offender Crimes Section is committed to providing investigative and intervention services in select cases where victims are assessed as high risk for serious violence or where offenders are deemed at high risk to re-offend. Intervention includes further investigation of complex cases or issues not identified in the original file, developing a comprehensive safety plan with the victim, and proactively working with the victim and community agencies to: end the violence, help the parties involved make appropriate changes in their lives, and work with patrol members in developing appropriate responses to cases of domestic violence.

Reporting intimate partner violence

To report intimate partner violence, call 911 (in an emergency) or the Edmonton Police Non-emergency line at 780-423-4567 (#377 from a mobile device in the Edmonton area).

To talk confidentially with a social worker: Call 211 and ask yo be connected with a social worker for intimate partner violence.

For information on resources in Edmonton and across the province: 310-1818 (toll free) Family Violence Info Line. Help is available in 170 languages, 24/7. Call to find out what help is available in your community.

If you have been the victim of intimate partner violence and you require support, please contact Crime and Trauma-Informed Support Services at 780-421-2217 or via email.