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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Child Protection

The Edmonton Police Service Child Protection Section provides expert investigative services for all occurrences of child sexual abuse and severe physical abuse.

The investigative mandate of Child Protection Section includes:

  • All complaints concerning sexual abuse of children under 14 years old
  • Sexual assault complaints pertaining to youths between 14 and 17 years old where the suspect is in a position of trust or authority over the youth (such as group homes, schools, etc.)
  • All serious physical assaults and neglect issues pertaining to children under 14 years old
  • Incidents of “stranger” abductions of children under 14 years old, and
  • Incidents of parental abductions where the children are at imminent risk or harm, or are known to have been taken from the Province of Alberta
  • All sexual assaults involving children 13 years of age or younger at the time of reporting
  • Incidents of child abuse that include all aggravated assaults and serious assaults causing bodily
  • Sexual assaults involving 14 or 15 year olds at the time in which a SART kit is required or a penile swab is required

  • Sexual assaults involving 14 or 15 year olds if:
    • Aggravated sexual assault.
    • Sexual assault causing bodily harm.
    • Sexual assault involving a weapon or threats to a 3rd party
    • Sexual assaults involving a serial offender
    • Sexual assaults that have a multi-jurisdictional element
    • Aggravated assaults and serious assaults causing bodily harm (Shaken Baby Syndrome, numerous broken bones, internal bleeding, severe bruising, suspicious burns)
  • 17 years and younger - Parental Abductions when either of the following is met:
    • The child is at imminent risk
    • The child is known to have been taken from the Province of Alberta
    • 17 years and younger - incidents of Stanger Abduction


The team of experienced and professional investigators work in the multi-disciplinary Zebra Child & Youth Advocacy Centre. This child-focused, child-friendly environment brings together professionals from Alberta Children’s Services, Crown Prosecutors, Child at Risk Response Teams (C.A.R.R.T.) medical and trauma screening professionals and volunteer advocates.

This centre, the first of its kind in Canada, allows for a more efficient gathering of information. While the centre not only minimizes additional trauma for the children by minimizing the number of interviews and repetitive questions posed by the various agencies involved, it also results in better information and greater potential for convicting suspects.

How to Report Child Abuse:

Everybody has a responsibility to report child abuse. Complaints regarding the abuse or neglect of children can be directed to the Children’s Services Crisis Unit at (780) 422-2001 or the Edmonton Police Service non-emergency line.