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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Alarm Bylaw Program FAQ

1. Do I need an alarm permit for my home or business?
Yes. If you have an operating alarm system on your home or business in Edmonton, AB, an alarm permit is required as per the City of Edmonton Alarm Systems Bylaw #10922. For information on how to obtain an alarm permit, click here.
2. How do I pay for my false alarm fee?

You can pay for your false alarm fee online through the online portal here.

3. What are my responsibilities as an alarm system holder?

1. Obtain a valid Edmonton Police Service alarm systems permit.

2. Display your alarm decal at the main entrance to the property.

3. Provide your alarm monitoring company with the following information:

  • Permit number
  • Owner of premise contact information including all known phone numbers.
  • Premise phone number(s)
  • Contact information for at least 3 keyholders including all contact phone numbers
  • Business hours and third party contractors that attend the premise after hours (if applicable)

4. Immediately update your alarm monitoring company and the Edmonton Police Service Alarm Control Detail of any changes regarding the permit or keyholders.

5. Train all keyholders on the proper use of the alarm system for arming/disarming the alarm and how to cancel a false alarm.

6. Ensure the alarm system is maintained and in good working order. Please contact the Alarm Control Detail if you move or no longer require the alarm permit.

4. How do I avoid my alarm permit being suspended?
Your alarm permit will be suspended for 3 months should you receive 4 false alarms in a 12 month period.  To avoid getting false alarms, please see our False Alarm Prevention Tips or our Annual False Alarm Prevention Checklist.
5. My alarm permit has been suspended. What do I do?
To reactivate your alarm permit you must wait until the 3 month suspension has passed. Afterwards you will have to pay a $30.00 reinstatement fee along with any outstanding false alarm fees. This can be done by mailing a cheque or visiting our office. Please see FAQ #2 for additional information on payment options.


6. How do I avoid my alarm permit being cancelled?
Upon receipt of your false alarm invoice, you are provided with 60 days to pay your false alarm fee. To avoid having your alarm permit cancelled, pay your false alarm fee within 60 days.  We have several methods to pay for your convenience. Please see FAQ #2.
7. My alarm permit has been cancelled. What do I do?
To reactivate your alarm permit, you must pay a $30 reinstatement fee along with your outstanding false alarm fee. This can be done by mailing a cheque or visiting our office. Please see FAQ #2 for additional information on payment options.
8. What is Enhanced Call Verification?

When your alarm monitoring company calls the Edmonton Police Service for the police to respond to your home or business due to alarm activation, Enhanced Call Verification will be used in the evaluation of all intrusion alarm occurrences. Dispatch will only occur if the following exist:

  1. A combination of an exterior breach (door/window breach, glass break, etc.) and an interior motion alarm activation.
  2. The alarm monitoring company has attempted to verify the legitimacy of the alarm activation by contacting both the premise and the listed keyholder(s).
9. I’m going away on vacation. What do I do?
While you’re away on vacation, it is important that your home is secure. All doors and windows should be locked. It is important that all structural defects such as loose fitting doors or windows be corrected as this may cause false alarms due to bad weather. You should advise your alarm company of your travel dates and be sure your keyholders are up to date on their knowledge of how to use the alarm system in your home or business. Your keyholder(s) should have the ability to secure the home or business should it be required.
10. My alarm permit decal is faded or I’m replacing my doors/windows. How do I get a replacement decal?

We will replace your alarm permit decal at no charge.
Phone: 780-421-3410
Or email: alarm.program@edmontonpolice.ca

Please include your name, address & permit number.  A new decal will be mailed to you within 5 business days.

11. When should a duress, hold-up or panic alarm be activated?

When NOT to use your duress, hold-up or panic alarm:

• When you need fire or medical assistance.

• To check to see how long it takes law enforcement officers to respond.

• When someone has shoplifted merchandise.

• To report a fight in the parking lot.

• When an underage person attempts to buy alcohol.

• To report that a vehicle has been stolen.

• Any other circumstance in which you are not in a life-threatening or emergency situation.

When it is appropriate to use your duress, hold-up or panic alarm:

• In emergency situations when you are unable to dial 9-1-1 for law enforcement assistance.

• During a robbery or hold-up in progress.

• When you are physically threatened.

12. Are alarm permits transferable?
Alarm permits are not transferable from person to person or address to address.
13. How do I update my alarm permit?

You may update your permit by contacting us by:

Phone: 780-421-3410 or email: alarm.program@edmontonpolice.ca

14. What is the difference between a keyholder and an authorized person?

A Keyholder is someone who is:

  • Available to receive telephone calls related to an alarm system activation.
  • Able to attend the address of the alarm incident if requested.
  • Capable of affording the police access to the premises where the alarm incident is located.
  • Capable of operating the alarm system and able to safeguard the premises.

An Authorized person is someone who has access to and is allowed to be in the premises.

15. Do I need an alarm permit if I am self-monitoring my alarm system?

Yes, the Alarm Systems Bylaw applies to alarm systems that are both monitored by an alarm company and non-monitored.