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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Emergency Communications and Operations Management Branch (ECOMB)

The Edmonton Police Service Emergency Communications and Operations Management Branch (ECOMB) is the primary Public-Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for the City of Edmonton. 

We are responsible for critical services that provide and support public and officer safety:

  • Answering 911 calls for assistance (primary Public  Safety Answering Point - PSAP), and transfer as required to the appropriate emergency service (Police, Fire, EMS)
  • Evaluating emergency and non-emergency calls for police assistance (secondary PSAP)
  • Dispatching appropriate police resources when required

ECOMB Emergency Communications Officers (ECOs) handle approximately 2000 calls per day from the public, which includes both 9-1-1 emergency calls for Police, Fire & EMS and non-emergency calls.

If your call is not an emergency, citizens can contact the EPS non-emergency number at 780 423-4567 or #377 from a cellular phone (within Edmonton) to report any number of non-emergency police-related events. Although they are deemed a "non-emergency", these calls may result in police being dispatched.

When calling 9-1-1 or the police non-emergency number for police assistance, please be prepared to provide the following details:

  • Address where the incident is taking place
  • Phone number that you are calling from
  • Your name
  • Exactly what’s happening
  • Your location
  • When the incident occurred
  • Additional incident-specific details


To learn more about when to call 9-1-1 visit 911MaketheRightCall.ca


Emergency Communications Officers 

ECOs have excellent active listening, conflict resolution, and multi-tasking skills. They possess critical thinking abilities and are able to react calmly and effectively to emergency situations. ECOs are the critical link between members of the community and the public safety services they require, including other emergency response agencies.

The ECO role is considered a first responder and is a crucial role in the safety of Edmonton. If you want to answer the call to serve the City of Edmonton, please complete this self-assessment questionnaire to see if this position may be right for you, .

If you are interested in a future career as an ECO, pleasewatch for future job postings on the City of Edmonton career website.