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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Responsibilities of an Alarm System Owner

  • Ensure that you have a valid Edmonton Police Service alarm systems permit.
  • Ensure the alarm systems permit decal is clearly displayed at the main entrance to the property.
  • Provide the alarm monitoring company with your alarm systems permit number. This number is required for Edmonton Police Service response.
  • Provide the alarm monitoring company with contact information for each of your key holders.  A minimum of (3) three keyholders should be provided.
  • Update the Edmonton Police Service and the alarm monitoring company with any change of information related to the permit or your keyholders.
  • Train all keyholders on the proper use of the alarm system. This includes correct arming/disarming of the alarm and how to cancel a false alarm.
  • Ensure the alarm system is maintained and is in good working order. Annual inspections by the alarm monitoring company are recommended.
  • If you move or no longer require the permit, contact the Alarm Bylaw Program to cancel your alarm permit.