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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Traffic & Vehicles

There is more traffic on Edmonton streets now than ever before.  Not surprisingly, most Edmontonians rank traffic safety as a top priority. The Edmonton Police Service acknowledges this and through enforcement, education, and partnering with other important road safety partners, EPS strives to improve the safety of our streets for everyone.

Whether it is our members responding to a neighbourhood complaint of speeding, members conducting Check Stop operationsDistracted Driving blitzes, or regular traffic enforcement, EPS members do what they can to work with the community.

The EPS also provides education and programs to protect citizens and their vehicles or vehicle contents from being the target of theft. For most of us, our vehicles are the second largest purchase we make and protecting them is critical.

And if you unfortunately have to retrieve your vehicle from our impound lot, our Police Seized Vehicle Section is responsible for the safe storage, release, and disposal of over 20,000 vehicles a year. They also partner to hold monthly vehicle auctions.

For more detailed information on road safety in Alberta, head to the Alberta Transportation and Safe Roads websites.

  • The Government of Alberta's Ministry of Transportation has important information for drivers, including driver guides, driver education, driver licensing, and even how to set up your vehicle registration renewal notice.
  • Safe Roads has videos and information for Alberta drivers, cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians.

Do you have traffic-related questions? You can ask us over Facebook or Twitter!

Report a traffic concern

If you have a traffic concern of a general nature (chronic speeding vehicles in a neighbourhood, ongoing stop sign violations etc.) please report these types of concerns by filling out the online form here.

If you have a concern regarding a specific vehicle identified by a licence plate or driver and are willing to attend court in relation to charges, you must attend a Divisional police station to make a report and provide a statement.