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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrians should know how to stay safe when you want to cross a street – especially intersections that are not controlled by crossing lights.

Stepping out into the intersection is not the safest way to get drivers to stop. Pedestrians need to signal to traffic their intention to cross. The best practice is to stick your arm straight out. When it is safe to start crossing, maintain eye contact with each driver and monitor all of the cars that you still have to cross in front of. Just because one driver let you cross in front of them does not guarantee that the other drivers in the intersection have seen you start to cross.

In the worst weather (especially our Edmonton winters), as a pedestrian you need to pay attention to the drivers. Drivers do not have the same stopping capabilities as they do on the clear summer streets, so stay on the curb until drivers have been able to safely stop for you.

Pedestrian Collision

What to do if you have been involved in a pedestrian vs. vehicle collision:

Is there a major injury and/or the vehicle is inoperable?

  • If someone has a major injury, and/or the vehicle is inoperable, call 9-1-1. In this event, the vehicle has to remain where it is so the collision scene can be investigated.
  • If there are no major injuries and the vehicle is operable, you do not call 9-1-1. Attend a Collision Reporting Centre as soon as possible. It is best to bring the involved vehicle with you as well. Note:  If the vehicle’s damage is over $2000, you must attend a Collision Reporting Centre. You can be fined $287 for failure to report.

Whether there is a major injury and/or the vehicle is inoperable or not:

  • Both the pedestrian and the driver are to exchange information. Since most people have cell phones with cameras, it is highly suggested that those involved take photos of everything. This includes the scene of the accident, any visible injuries, the vehicle, license plate, and all paper documents – driver’s licenses, insurance cards and registration cards.
  • If there are any witnesses, obtain the names and phone numbers of each witness.

What are your obligations in a collision according to Provincial Legislation?

What factors would involve police presence (a 9-1-1 call)?

  • Someone has been seriously injured
  • The vehicle is inoperable
  • An individual does not have documentation (driver’s license, registration, and/or insurance)
  • You suspect the driver is impaired.

If you’re ever unsure if police need to be present to a collision, please call our non-complaint line at 780-423-4567.

Witnesses to any motor vehicle accident: if you have not provided your information to those involved in the collision, please call our non-complaint line at 780-423-4567 to file your witness report.

Please note: Any questions regarding INSURANCE coverage have to be directed to your insurance company. The Edmonton Police Service cannot provide you with any answers about insurance.