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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve


Storewatch is a robbery prevention initiative developed by the Edmonton Police Service Robbery Section. It is designed to assist commercial business owners in protecting their employees, their property, and their customers by lowering their risk of a robbery.

Storewatch Program

Occupational Health and Safety legislation in Alberta requires that “Employers must do everything reasonable to protect the health and safety of employees.” This means that employers must establish safe work practices at the work site and ensure that these are followed. Storewatch can assist you in making your workplace safer.

Crime is least likely to occur in a location where the owners/staff are alert to the potential of crime and willing to work closely with police. The Storewatch program focuses on lowering your risk of robbery by undertaking a detailed risk assessment of your business. The risk assessment process is used to help outline recommendations or changes a business can undertake to make a site safer and lower your risk of robbery. We encourage businesses to follow-through on as many recommendations as practical for their premise. The risk assessment covers 6 key areas:

  • Site history and location factors.
  • An assessment of the physical site as per Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principals.
  • Cash control. (The use of safes, preparing and handling bank deposits, signage)
  • Video (Quality and detail of the footage, camera locations and aiming, ease of retrieval of recorded footage.)
  • Operations (Safe work practices and supervision.)
  • Administration and Processes (Orientations, caliber of training and robbery procedures.)

In addition, Storewatch offers training materials, program posters, “what to do” instructions to post for your staff, and height tape stickers. Storewatch can also provide businesses with a presentation or training session on robbery prevention and how to safely manage a robbery. All of this is provided free of charge.

Storewatch Posters

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