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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Stolen Licence Plates

Most registered owners don’t realize their licence plate has been stolen or even swapped with another stolen plate until they are contacted by police. Please, look at your licence plate every day and make sure it’s yours.


Is your licence plate missing?

If you discover your licence plate is missing, call the EPS non-emergency line at 780-423-4567 as soon as possible to start the process of reporting. Time is of the essence and waiting too long to report it stolen decreases the chances of getting it back.

Licence plates are used by thieves to conduct criminal activity under the disguise of someone else. Not only can this lead to issues for the registered owner of the plate, but the criminal activities that thieves conduct vary from dangerous driving and frauds to identity theft and break and enters. These activities end up putting more innocent citizens at risk.

Please note: if you report a stolen plate to a registry’s office, make sure you contact police, as they are not notified.

When officers know a licence plate on a vehicle is stolen, we can make tailored decisions on how to take the suspect into custody, which can also reduce the risk to public safety. Also, if your plate is stolen and you receive an automated enforcement ticket (like photo radar or red light camera ticket), you will be held accountable if you haven’t reported your stolen licence plate.

In many cases, in order for any automated traffic violation tickets to be withdrawn by the courts, a police file number or a copy of your police report that indicates your licence plate was stolen will be required. This means if you do not report your stolen licence plate to police, you are likely to be held accountable for these violations.

Don't underestimate the cost of a stolen plate

Licence plates are used by thieves to conduct criminal activity under the disguise of someone else. Not only can this lead to issues for the registered owner of the plate, but the criminal activities that thieves conduct vary from dangerous driving and frauds to identity theft and break and enters. These activities end up putting more innocent citizens at risk.