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Edmonton Police Service

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TSA Noise Laws

The following sections of the Traffic Safety Act (TSA) Vehicle Equipment Regulations (VER) or Traffic Safety Act (TSA) Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulations (ROR) pertain to excessive vehicle noise.

In summary they state:

  • Section 61 TSA- VER refers to a motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine. It says that the exhaust muffler must not produce excessive noise or flames and sparks. It goes on to say that the exhaust outlet cannot be widened or have a device attached to it that increases noise. The fine is $115.00. 
  • Section 82 TSA- ROR states a person shall not create or cause the emission of any loud and unnecessary noise from a vehicle or any part of it, or from anything or substance that the vehicle or a part of the vehicle comes into contact with. The fine for this section is $155.00. 
  • Section 87 TSA- ROR relates to driving a motor vehicle in a residential area between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. that disturbs residents. This section requires a complaint from a resident. The fine for excessive noise under this section is $115.00. A complainant must appear in court as a witness if charges are laid under this section. 
  • Section 115 (2)(f) TSA says a person shall not do any of the following: drive a vehicle as to perform or engage in any stunt or other activity on a highway that is likely to distract, startle or interfere with other users of the highway. The fine for this section is $402.00 and carries 3 demerit points.