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Tips for Improving Fingerprint Quality

Why Does Fingerprint Quality Matter?

If your fingerprints are rejected, you will have to be fingerprinted again which will cause unnecessary delays and could potentially add additional expenses. Time and money can be saved by doing your best / taking a few precautions to ensure the best quality prints are captured and submitted the first time. 

Common Causes of Low-Quality Fingerprints

The following are some circumstances that can increase the chance of fingerprints being rejected:

  • Lifestyle: Frequently washing and/or disinfecting hands. Exposures to harsh chemicals, such as cleaning or antibacterial products.
  • Climate: during the dry winter months skin is prone to becoming dry and cracked.
  • Age: Skin becomes smoother, and worn-down ridges become harder to capture with age.
  • Heredity and genetic factors


Tips for Improving Fingerprint Quality

Fingerprint quality can drastically improve in as little as a week, with a few minimal changes to your lifestyle. It does take time for the skin to regenerate, and the more time you can give yourself the better. If you suspect your fingerprint quality may not be accepted, it is best to start with the following as soon as possible.

  1. Apply plenty of Lotion

The most effective thing you can do to avoid having your fingerprints rejected is to moisturize using a high-quality lotion. Be sure to use lotion on your hands several times per day for up to a week leading up your fingerprint day.

  1. Avoid excessive washing and sanitizer use.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers dry out the skin. When possible, use soap and water instead of hand sanitizer, and follow by drying hands completely and applying lotion.

  1. Wear gloves

Be sure to wear protective gloves if doing cleaning, manual labour, or activities that may wear on the hands.

What happens if my fingerprints are rejected for quality reasons?

If your fingerprints are rejected for quality reasons it is recommended that you use the Tips for Improving Fingerprint Quality above to enhance the quality of the next set of fingerprints taken. If you had ink fingerprints rejected due to quality, please be sure to bring in the rejection letter when you have your prints retaken.