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Edmonton Police Service

Dedicated to Protect, Proud to Serve

Child Restraints

Finding the right car seat for a child can be very confusing. Car seats come in a variety of shapes and sizes and their proper installation can vary dependent on the type of vehicle they are installed in and even who manufactures the car seat.

Please read your car seat manual and vehicle manual to determine proper car seat installation for your specific car seat and vehicle.

The EPS, along with other agencies (policing and health), hold a number of child safety seat traffic enforcement checks throughout the year to inspect for child safety seat infractions. Approximately a dozen checks are scheduled throughout the year. Inspections take a few minutes to complete and feedback is provided.

If you are cited for a child safety seat violation you have the following options: pay for the infraction ($162.00 fine), go to court , or take a class. The class is called "Option 4", which is an education session on the safe transportation of children and adults in vehicles. If you take option 4, your $162 fine will be revoked.

Child Safety Seat Installation Information:

St. John's Ambulance holds FREE Child Safety Seat Information Sessions: this FREE Child Safety Seat Information session is intended to provide parents and caregivers information on how to correctly install a child safety seat and to transport children safely in a vehicle. It also provides an overview of the law in Alberta regarding occupant restraints and is taught by trained volunteers through the Community Services department of St John.

The Edmonton Centre holds Child Safety Seat Information sessions every third Wednesday of the month from 7-9 pm. Please call 780-452-6161 Ext. 1225 to register. For more details, please see their website.

Alberta Health Services also has a variety of important Child Safety Seat resources. Please see their website for more details.